KDOG Cancer Detect Group


To carry out all its programs, KDOG is looking for financial, professional and material support. We need your help so that the project can live, grow, and finally succeed. Your support is more than precious!


The Curie Institute is a recognized Foundation of general interest and as such can benefit from the help of patrons. In return, the latter benefit from a tax reduction.

Patronage is a contract that allows a company to make a donation to a work of general interest. This donation can take several forms: financial, in kind or in skills, or material.

The tax reduction, on the corporation tax or income tax due in the year of payment, can be as much as 60%! 

Royal Canin

If your company would like to take part in the project, please contact us via soutenir.kdog@kdog.fr. We will be happy to discuss it with you!